Friday, July 17, 2009

Longing for a Dull Moment

Sometimes I wonder what it would be like to have a dull moment. I was talking with our nanny yesterday, and jokingly said that we never have a dull moment around here. She agreed - every day is something new.

The lastest not dull moments involve lice. Yes, you read correctly, lice. Creepy, crawly, egg laying, multiplying, disgusting little lice.

M had lice a couple of years ago. We bought him a new snowboarding helmet, and we're pretty sure the little buggers were hiding in there. Anyhow, they were everywhere, it involved a lot of combing. I thought that it was terrible, because his hair was pretty long (for a boy, you know).

Well, it's gotten even more exciting... In addition to M's new case of lice, L now has lice. Her hair is thick, and down to the middle of her back - almost to her waist. AAAAHHHHH! The washing, and combing, and using tweezers to get little teeny tiny nits that will not come off with the comb. Speaking of combs, who designs these things? The ones that come with the treatment are terrible, so when M had lice, I bought a different set, which works better, but still doesn't get the teeny tiny nits. So I use tweezers instead. It's quite laborious. Quality time with the kids though, right???

So, today I stayed home from work to wash and comb my children's hair and do lice laundry. I am now excellent at both. Great skills. :-) Hopefully you never, ever have to deal with lice. It is terrible!

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